5 litres Primer

1 Reviews
Tax included

For plumbers, builders and installers who are regularly preparing wetrooms, we can offer you Primer in a 5 Litre container.

It's a much more cost effective solution if you require a large amount of primer. It's also a good idea if you intend to do several installations.

Product Code PSMIP5
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Primer is a base coat used to help treat a surface before applying a topcoat. Accordingly, primer is formulated to ensure maximum adhesion. Better paint adhesion means your paint job lasts longer.

Likewise, primer acts as a sealer for porous surfaces that would otherwise absorb the first few coats of paint.

    Hi. Our previous builder painted our concrete wet room floor with grey anti-slip paint which has subsequently begun to flake and peel to expose the old white floor underneath. I’ve read up and it seems he should have used a primer first. Do I now ...

    Yes you would need to remove all the existing paint in order to expose the surface that you want to prime.

1 Reviews

perfect for my needs
great size, great price Arrived quickly and well packaged
By cameron on 02/06/2020

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