UFSTAT10 Thermostat Electric UFH Controller
Heat Mat's UFSTAT10 is a fully featured electric underfloor heating thermostat/timer, ideal for controlling any of Heat Mat's systems or other manufacturer's electric underfloor heating. The thermostat incorporates air temperature and floor temperature sensors to provide maximum controllability.
The UFSTAT10 provides fully automated and flexible underfloor heating control to suit the owner's daily schedule. The thermostat features a daily heating schedule that can be tailored by the end user to operate as they wish. An easy-to-use manual mode can be switched on with a single button press and the controller then operates as a simple on/off thermostat unit.
The UFSTAT10 allows different week types to be programmed depending on the owner's routine. Each day is split into distinct 'events' allowing the homeowner to create a personalised heating schedule.